Who We Are


Our Mission


To provide investment capital, advisory services and capital markets strategy to Family Offices, Private Equity Investors and start-up companies.

The world is full of vendors and agents.  You want to collaborate with people who understand your business from the inside out and share your objectives.  Our experience makes us uniquely qualified to meet your needs at the standards you have come to expect.

Experience, Talent, Success

With over 35 years experience working first as an advisor to Family Offices and then as the Director of a prominent Family Office and the COO of a private equity firm, we are uniquely qualified to assist in identifying and generating direct private equity opportunities and following them through to a successful exit. 

We are experienced investors with proven success in negotiation, due diligence and all other elements of the deal.  Once an opportunity is secured, we continue to advise the company on growth strategies, partnership opportunities, capital markets strategy and monetization.

Our team is leveraged via its long-term strategic partnerships with many prominent advisors and vendors to the family office industry globally.  Skybones Capital uses this network efficiently in order to deliver services in the ideal manner to its clients.